
ACV trademarks are below:


A trademark of automotive electronics, coaxial and component acoustics, video recorders, amplifiers, subwoofers and more. The product live is constantly updated with new products.


A trademark of ACV marine and river equipment. Marine radios, acoustics, waterproff frames are priduced under it. The line is constantly updated with new products.


Trademark for SPL SHOW level acoustic components. Modern technoligies and new technical solutions formed the basis for a new line of amplifiers, stage acoustics and subwoofers.Under the badge of ACV SPL SHOW, teams on democars across Russia take part in car audio competitions and win numerous awards.

ACV trademarks are registered with Rospatent of the Russian Federation and are subject to intellectual property. According to paragraph 3 of Art.148 of the Civil Code "No one has the right to use, without the permission of the copyright holder, designations similar to his trademark in relation to goods for the individualization of which the trademark is registered, or similar goods, if as result of such use there is a possibility of confusion." The use of trademarks by other legal entities is allowed upon concluding an alienation agreement, commercial concession or license agreement.


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